Questions for people who watch the myrtle beach TV show on FOX & streaming 24/7 online
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Myrtle Beach TV series on FOX
Life on the Grand Strand
by locals

Questions for viewers of the myrtle beach TV show

Input from viewers of the show We value your input -- the show is for, to, and about locals on the Grand Strand.

To continually improve, we'd like to hear your opinions, good and bad, about the episodes we've produced so far.

We thank you in advance for your time in helping us improve the first locally produced high-definition, non-scripted, no-tourist-luring-ploys, reality show on the strand.

How did you first hear about the myrtle beach TV show?
A friend, family member, or co-worker told me about it
I was flipping channels and saw the show
I saw it listed in the TV Guide
I saw an ad on TV
I saw an ad on an Internet site
Do you watch the show every week?
yes     no
Do you enjoy the show?
yes      no      sometimes
How do you normally watch the show?
on TV      online      both on TV & online
What do you like best about the show?
What don't you like about the show?
If you were the producer, what would you put on the show that isn't on there now?
Have you seen the myrtle beach TV 15-second commercial running on FOX?
yes      no
Have you seen myrtle beach TV ads on the web?
yes      no
Have you seen the myrtle beach TV car around town?
yes      no
Have you seen the myrtle beach TV production truck around town?
yes      no
Does the website enhance the show, or the information available about the show?
yes      no
Would you continue watching the show if it was online only -- not on FOX?
yes      no      maybe
Would you be interested in contributing to a segment, an episode, or the series?
yes, I may be interested in being part of a segment
yes, I may be interested in being part of an episode
yes, I may be interested in being part of the series
no, I'd rather not be part of the show
Would you be interested in sponsoring a segment, an episode, or the series?
yes, I may be interested in sponsoring a segment
yes, I may be interested in sponsoring an episode
yes, I may be interested in sponsoring the series
no, I'm not interesting in sponsoring any part of the show
Your Name
City & State where you live
Your Email Address


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